Chicago Epic

chicago epic

Inspired by the famous Daniel Burnham quote “Make no little plans”, we rebranded the City of Chicago with a one word tagline, EPIC, that summed up the long list of amazing things the city has to offer. Voiced over by Marc Kelly Smith, founder of the slam poetry movement, the launch spot inspired locals as much as it did visitors.

Chicago Epic

Chicago has had many nicknames over the years, Second City, Windy City, City of Broad Shoulders and Chiberia to name a few. The fact is, it's impossible to put everything Chicago has to offer in a simple nickname. It's a city where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Where a day can start with a museum tour and end with a Chicago dog at 4am outside historic Wrigley Field. It's a city where a vacation can be summed up by one simple word. Epic.

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